We have three of these coconut and bamboo windchimes. They sound nice in the breeze and look cool. Below is a dragon one that we have.

The problem is that most are made with a thin string which tends to dry-rot. I have found the best way to fix the bamboo chimes that fall off??is with thin wire, which is more durable and easy to install. When the remnants of hurricane Patricia came through, we lost two bamboo chimes on our dragon windchime. Below are the steps to fix the windchime:

1. Start with a coconut windchime that has one or more missing chimes.


2. Measure the wire to make sure it is the correct length.


3. Bend the wire in a loop the size of the chime and cut the wire.


4. Insert the wire into the chime and bend the end of the wire on each side. The bend should be about 1/2 inch, or enough to go through the coconut top and allow you to bend the wire down with your finger.


5. Insert the bent wires through the existing holes in the bottom of the coconut shell. Bend the wires down to hold the chime securely in place.

Dragon_Windchime_05-Attach_Bamboo-Far Dragon_Windchime_06-Attach_Bamboo-Close

6. Repeat for each chime. In the end, your windchime will be a s good as new. Make sure to adjust the hang of the windchime so that it hits the center block as much as you like.
